24 years of The Noise


After 24 years of The Noise, as trustees we have felt this season has come to an end, so there is space for the growing impact of Noise 365 across the Bristol region. We had this special video commissioned to bring together a small glimpse of the last 24 years and looking forward to the future. See if you can spot a younger version of yourself or friends.

There are too many people to thank as we look back but special thanks to our paid event coordinators over the years (Sarah Witt, Esther Legg-Bagg, Rachel Varley and Beth Richardson) and other staff members over the years, trustees for holding the vision and strategy, key volunteers who gave their time behind the scenes sacrificially throughout the year and the 1000s of volunteers who have been involved on the Noise weekends.

Please join us on this journey going forward as we move into this new season. Contact us if there are ways we can support your church or community organisation in your neighbourhood.

Bristol Noise